Your health is strictly personal. That’s why with Selfcare, you remain the sole owner of your health data at all times. Nothing happens with your data unless you take action or give explicit consent.
Contact Information
Selfcare BV
Data Protection Officer (DPO): Jeroen Cornelissen
What is Selfcare?
Selfcare is a platform for individuals to collect their health data in a personal environment. This provides a Personal Health Environment (PHE). Selfcare itself does not collect any information about its customers beyond what is provided by them. We take the rights of our users very seriously, which is also reflected in our short and simple terms of use.
What data is stored?
To collect health data, Selfcare asks its users to record a limited number of personal details: name, gender, date of birth, email address, and phone number. This personal information is necessary for the safe functioning of Selfcare and for communication between Selfcare and its users. No other personal details that are unrelated to the functioning of Selfcare will be requested. Read more here about how Selfcare handles cookies.
Rights and Control
All personal data remains the property of the person (user) who records it in Selfcare. Users can view, edit, or delete their data at any time. When an account is deleted, all current data will be removed immediately, and any data included in a backup will be completely erased after 30 days. Users can also stop the automated processing of data, such as coach messages, at any time without needing permission from Selfcare. Once users edit or delete their data, Selfcare cannot undo those changes, even at the user's request. The data will be kept as long as the user actively uses Selfcare. If the user stops using Selfcare, all data will be deleted after one (1) year or one (1) year after the user’s last payment (or the last payment made on their behalf).
Who does Selfcare share personal data with?
Selfcare never shares personal data with third parties. However, Selfcare does provide users with the option to share (parts of) their collected data with others, such as family members, friends, healthcare providers, or research institutions. Users can change this permission at any time.
Selfcare does not make personal and health data recorded by users in their personal environment available to third parties, even at the user's request. Only if a competent court forces Selfcare to disclose personal and/or health data will Selfcare comply, and only with the user's knowledge.
If a user has complaints about Selfcare’s services, they can report them to Selfcare. If, in the user’s opinion, Selfcare does not handle the complaint properly, the user can file a complaint with a court. Read more here for further explanation.
Date: 7 June 2023
Read more here about what Selfcare does to protect your privacy and personal data.
When an account is deleted, all current data will be removed immediately, and any data included in a backup will be completely erased after 30 days..
Date of first version: 4 June 2020.